Jyväskylä is a lovely city for walking, the campus are is great for Finncon. The most prestigious, longest nordic arts festival, the Jyväskylä Arts Festival brings life and lovely things to the culture field of Finland, and also includes Finncon 2014.
The accommodation and map pages offer more info!
For the correct pronounciation, check this page.
Jyväskylä on mukava ja kaunis kaupunki kävellä, ja ihana kampusalue sopii hyvin Finnconin pitopaikaksi. Pohjoismaiden vanhin yhtäjaksoinen kaupunkifestivaali Jyväskylän Kesä tuo eloa koko maan kulttuurikenttään myös ottamalla Finnconin varjonsa alle.
Majoitus- ja karttasivuilta löytyy lisätietoja!
You can find bus timetables at the info desk and see the travel planner at http://reittiopas.jyvaskyla.fi/en/. The nearest bus stop is called Yliopisto. You can catch buses 12, 14, 16 and 21 for this stop. You can get a bus card or pay the driver in cash, a single ticket is 3,30€ and you can change buses with it inside the time limit. Please take small cash with you.
The usual con site, the university Main building is under renovation, but there will be signs to guide you to the con site.
We don’t have parking space available, so please leave your cars home. You can try the nearest park spaces, Hippos-halli sport center (Kuntoportti 3) and P-Cygnaeus (Vapaudenkatu 35).